Main Street Christian Church
Reach the Lost. Teach the Saved. Serve our World. Join in our Mission and help support the Youth of our Church make a difference in ways only God can do.
Daniel Buster: Indonesia
Hey I’m Daniel! I was born and raised in the great state of Oklahoma. I am now a student at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, pursuing my Bachelor of Communication. I surrendered to the call to missions the summer after I graduated from high school and am excited to see what God has in store for me!
Amanda Ruth: World Race
Hey! I’m Amanda Ruth and I’m heading out on the World Race soon! I’m excited to spread God’s Truth to the World and experiencing new things along the way!
Aaron Moore: World Race
Hey there! My name is Aaron Wesley Moore and I’m thrilled to set out on the World Race in just a few months! The Lord is stirring the hearts of his people and I’m honored to be a vessel of good news!